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Autonomous charging Project: Projects


Mobile robots are designed for interacting with human environments and for working with humans on a daily basis.

To be considered of any use, these robots must exhibit some form of self-sustainability, so they must be capable of long-term autonomy.

In this work I develop a method for autonomously charging of a custom mobile robot that can be applied to several autonomous vehicles.

For the detection and tracking of the station, the robot employs a stereocamera (ZED) for the vision recognition of an Augmented Reality tag (AR tag) placed in correspondence of the docking station. In addition, the robot is equipped with two encoders sensors for extracting the actual velocities of the wheels. The two sensors data are fused for achieving a successful docking operation.

The NVIDIA Jetson Nano is the core of the robot. It executes the algorithm programs and sends the speed signals to the motor driver and the Arduino platform are responsible for driving the wheels. The robot is composed by two motorized wheels with TT DC motors and a caster one. The battery box and the power bank supply respectively the motors and the Jetson Nano. Moreover, it implements a GPS system that is part of the project of my colleague Andrea. 

As the software is regarded, the entire system is developed inside the ROS framework. The functions for the extraction and manipulation of the data, the detection and tracking of the AR tag are C++ nodes.

Now I'm going to explain some parts of this project: Simulation, Building the robot, Test the algorithm on the robot


The simulation is made on the Gazebo simulation environment.

The detection of the AR tag was made by means of the library ar_track_alvar and the robot implements the differential drive plug in for driving itself and the camera plug in for detecting the tag.


As first, the robot is remotely driven from a random position inside the environment to one close to the AR tag so the camera can detect the tag. When the tag is detected, the algorithm starts to work and the robot autonomously approaches to the station. 


The algorithm provides the robot firstly approaches to the perpendicular line to the AR tag, and then to straghtly achieve the tag allowing a wireless recharge in a complete safe manner.


The ROS nodes including the C++ algorithm functions are shared inside my GitHub profile.


The entire video is shared inside my Youtube channel.

Autonomous charging Project: Projects


The elements employed for the building of the robot are:



For the full video, check the Youtube website.

Autonomous charging Project: Projects


This is part is in working progress.


The robot should be capable to reproduce what the robot does in the simulation environment.

Autonomous charging Project: Projects
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